10 Artificial Intelligence technologies

Artificial Intelligence is the future. No one could argue that life hasn’t been more convenient since the first breakthrough of artificial intelligence technologies in 2012. Because of technology and innovation world is moving faster every day. So technology experts and engineers are continuously making efforts and research work to bring ease to lives with AI gadgets. Artificial intelligence technologies is also reshaping businesses even when it’s new or is infancy stage. From speech recognition to facial recognition, allowing you to unlock your mobile phone with your face to future self-navigating cars, AI is making progress rapidly.



What is AI (Artificial Intelligence) ?

Artificial Intelligence is that the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning (gaining of information and rules for using the information), reasoning (using rules to reach estimated or definite assumptions) and self-correction.

AI Technologies :

With the growth in artificial intelligence, different AI technologies are develop daily to make your life easier than ever. Few of the major technologies being used worldwide are mentioned below to give you a better understanding of how AI is being used.

Let’s have a look at some of them,

1. Speech Recognition :

Ability to recognize and analyze the spoken language words and phrases and convert them into data. Speech recognition can be applied for call routing, voice dialing, voice search etc. Speech recognition software is increasingly being used in mobile devices. One of the downsides of speech recognition is that it may not detect words due to the difference in pronunciations and background noise. Companies to watch in this field are OpenText

2. Virtual Agents :

A virtual agent means a program or a computer agent capable of interacting with humans. The most basic example of a computer agent being currently used for is customer service. And support and as smart home managers. Some of the companies that provide virtual agents include Amazon, Apple, Artificial Solutions, Creative Virtual, Google, IBM, Microsoft etc.

3. Machine Learning :

Machine Learning is a sub-discipline of computer science and a branch of AI. Its goal is to develop techniques that enable computers to recognize. They are mostly use for prediction and classification. These platforms are providing algorithms, API’s, development and training tools, applications etc. and are gaining traction by every passing day. Microsoft, Amazon, Google etc. are the major companies selling ML platforms right now.

4. Decision Management :

To make your business more profitable decision management has been incorporated into a variety of business applications. To support and execute automated decisions. Intelligent machines are capable of introducing rules and logic to AI systems, so you can use them for initial training, ongoing maintenance, and tuning.

5. Bio-metrics :

This technology can measure, analyze and identify human behavior and physical aspects of the of the body’s structure and form. It permits for additional natural interactions between humans and machines, including interactions related to touch, image, speech and body language recognition, and is big within the market research field.

6. Cyber Defense :

The cyber defense may be an electronic network defense mechanism. That focuses on preventing, detecting and providing timely responses to attacks or threats to infrastructure and information. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are use to move your cyber defense mechanism into a revolutionary stage in response to a hostile environment.

7. Knowledge worker aid :

With the growth of AI people are concerned that it would replace humans in the workplaces and with the development of the knowledge worker aid technology, AI now has the potential to help employees in their work especially those in knowledge work.

For example, this AI technology will be helpful mostly in medical and legal professions where employees heavily rely on knowledge workers.

8. Content Creation :

Content creation now includes any material people contribute to the online world, such as videos, ads, blogs, infographics and other visual or written assets. Tools like Wibbitz helps publishers create videos from written content in minutes with AI video production technology. Wordsmith is another tool which helps in generating news stories based on earning data.


9. Emotion Recognition :

This technology permits software package to “read” the emotions on an individual’s face victimization advanced image processor audio processing. Law enforcers will use this technology to undertake to observe additional data regarding somebody throughout the interrogation. But it also has a wide range of applications for marketers. AI is use within the recreation, automotive, robotics, education, healthcare industries, and other fields, to apply facial coding and emotion analytics from a face and voice data

10. Image Recognition :

Image recognition is the method of distinguishing an object or feature in an exceedingly digital image or video, and AI is increasingly stack on top of this technology to great effect. Artificial intelligence technologies can search social media platforms for photos and compare them to a wide range of data sets to decide which ones are most relevant during image searches.

Image recognition technology may also be accustomed notice license plates, diagnose illness, analyze shoppers and their opinions and verify users supported their face.

With each passing day, the number of artificial intelligence technologies based on AI are adding up at an exponential rate. In the near possible future, AI will penetrate every industry and our houses in the shape of appliances and machines and its technologies will become an essential part of our daily life.

10 Artificial Intelligence technologies
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10 Artificial Intelligence technologies
Machine Learning is a sub-discipline of computer science and a branch of Artificial intelligence technologies. Its goal is to enable computers to recognize
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