The building blocks of Planears
The world’s first system to combine all efficient management tools
The best solution for your organization

Necessity is the mother of Invention!
The idea of Planears came into being a couple of years back, when we got tired of using third party applications for managing different operations. Though there are many effective tools available in the market but with limited scope and high ranged budgets. Especially in case of small or even medium sized organizations, we could not find one-stop solution for workspace management. We went through Excel to Trello, Skype to Slack and tried as many softwares as we could but we did not find a tool which can cater all our needs at one place. We took a stand and decided to get rid off the pain of using multiple applications and build our own tool. Ashtex Solutions‘ team of experts started working on the concept and hence converted this idea to a complete office management solutions – Planears.
What makes Planears unique?
Planears is the state of the art workspace management software that covers all your company needs including Leads management, Project management and Resources management etc. It’s unique value proposition is to be the easiest office management suite. It provides lifetime features which requires minimum cost when you choose to manage your workspace with Planears. It combines essential and effective office management tools at one place for effective management of operations. It aims to convert the on-site operations into virtual workspace. It encapculates more than 20+ unique features including chat, time tracking, analytics, role management, todo lists, etc. It has a one of a kind framework where you can manage almost all your business matters within a virtual workspace.

There is always room for Improvements!
There is always a room for improvements. The moment Planears was launched, since then we are in a state of making improvements in features. We added customizability into Planears so it can be molded as per the requirements of the organization. We made numerous visual and functional improvements, improved the algorithms, shifted to service workers to provide the seamless user experience. We are targeting to launch it globally and we are aiming it to be a one-stop solution especially for small and medium level organizations. We love to em-partner with anyone who is interested to invest in Planears and we can establish a financial model that will effectively lucrative for both parties. So join us in Planears because it is going to be one of the top management solutions soon.